The influence of sleep
Dear Bro,
Since you now have two wonders in your house to mold and influence as your heart sees fit, I wanted to take this time to share some experiences with small children in the house that you will hopefully find helpful in future years.
Lets start with a picture.
This (of course) is me with my granddaughter Hannah at her mom's wedding in November 1999 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Please disregard the pink coloring as I believe an older version of Hannah that has decided this particular picture needed some life pumped into it via a photo editor. During the late 90's Hannah used to spend a lot of time on the weekend with Melody and I as 1) we were great "free" babysitters and 2) Hannah was always a joy to have around.
However, I did develop a bad habit that influenced Hannah during these formative years. The bad habit in question you ask? Sleeping.... As you know, weekends are wonderful times for a good long afternoon nap. I personally have taken my share of these, usually by turning on the the TV to a sub-par movie and then taking an hour or two to fully check the back of my eyelids for holes.
The next question would be.... Rich... how harmful could it be to demonstrate to a 3 year old girl the wonders of an afternoon snore-fest? The proper answer would be ... "that depends"
It actually depends on which TV channel you leave the TV on when you nod off to the land of mega-nap.
Lets say for example you accidentally leave the TV on a early 90's horror/teen flick like .... oh... I don't know.... maybe
"The Lost Boys", which in case you don't know is a film about teenagers fighting vampires in northern California. While I was laying on my bed in serious nap mode this particular film was playing on a premium channel, which means all the swearing, violence, and overall bad acting from the original "R"-rated screen version was being relayed into my personal slumberville. Sometime in the middle of this "siestorama" a certain aforementioned young lady came wandering into my bedroom, seated herself next to me, and watched the majority of this film as I did my best Ichabod Crane impersonation.
Within a two weeks, my stepdaughter was quizzing my wife over the phone as to why Hannah seemed to be a big fan of a certain vampire film that she was fairly sure that she had not watched at their apartment. Unfortunately for me, Hannah at this age was old enough to eventually fess up as to how she became a big fan of this particular celluloid event, so my secret was out.
I was again in the limelight for my daytime nocturnal activities about a year later. Hannah was heard to relay the following profound diatribe:
"ACK ACK.... ACK ACK..... ACK ACK....."
Meaningless dribble, unless you happen to look at what was showing on the Sunday Fox TV movie the weekend before when Hannah stayed over.

Ooppss.... looks like another classic was showing that weekend.....
Anyway... the moral of the story is try not to sleep with the TV on... unless you have it on the Disney channel....
Since you now have two wonders in your house to mold and influence as your heart sees fit, I wanted to take this time to share some experiences with small children in the house that you will hopefully find helpful in future years.
Lets start with a picture.

This (of course) is me with my granddaughter Hannah at her mom's wedding in November 1999 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Please disregard the pink coloring as I believe an older version of Hannah that has decided this particular picture needed some life pumped into it via a photo editor. During the late 90's Hannah used to spend a lot of time on the weekend with Melody and I as 1) we were great "free" babysitters and 2) Hannah was always a joy to have around.
However, I did develop a bad habit that influenced Hannah during these formative years. The bad habit in question you ask? Sleeping.... As you know, weekends are wonderful times for a good long afternoon nap. I personally have taken my share of these, usually by turning on the the TV to a sub-par movie and then taking an hour or two to fully check the back of my eyelids for holes.
The next question would be.... Rich... how harmful could it be to demonstrate to a 3 year old girl the wonders of an afternoon snore-fest? The proper answer would be ... "that depends"
It actually depends on which TV channel you leave the TV on when you nod off to the land of mega-nap.
Lets say for example you accidentally leave the TV on a early 90's horror/teen flick like .... oh... I don't know.... maybe

Within a two weeks, my stepdaughter was quizzing my wife over the phone as to why Hannah seemed to be a big fan of a certain vampire film that she was fairly sure that she had not watched at their apartment. Unfortunately for me, Hannah at this age was old enough to eventually fess up as to how she became a big fan of this particular celluloid event, so my secret was out.
I was again in the limelight for my daytime nocturnal activities about a year later. Hannah was heard to relay the following profound diatribe:
"ACK ACK.... ACK ACK..... ACK ACK....."
Meaningless dribble, unless you happen to look at what was showing on the Sunday Fox TV movie the weekend before when Hannah stayed over.

Ooppss.... looks like another classic was showing that weekend.....
Anyway... the moral of the story is try not to sleep with the TV on... unless you have it on the Disney channel....
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