A Day in the Life
Dear Bro,
Unlike the semi-permanent bake sale that you are subjected to on a daily basis. it is fall here and quite chilly at times. So to demonstate normal life for you I took my camera with me today as I ran errands. First we have to make sure that the camera is working.

Yup... appears to be working fine. Guido is as fat as ever.

So let's drive down my street and head out into that wild and wacky place that is the northern suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Our first stop is Walgreens, where I have to stop and get Melody a birthday card. To date I have always managed to remember her birthday, but I came close to blowing it this year as she reminded me about it on Thursday wondering why I had not brought up if we were going to dinner or not.... could have made for a long week.
I actually had a customer take a picture of me buying the card but for some reason it did not come out properly, so all you get is a view of the front of the store. Next stop... haircut!!!!

And here I am at Great Clips in Fairfield as Tara cuts my continually greying hair while we chat about the adventures of her three year old son and her and her husband's inability to say no to the little man.....

Next stop was at Flowerama, a local flower shop on the corner of Pleasant Ave. and Nilles. Lindsey and Hannah politely posed for a picture after I had scoured their establishment for the appropriate flora for Melody's birthday tomorrow.

And to give you the proof to meet your request that I buy some flowers for Melody this weelend, Hannah obliged by taking a pic of me handing my plastic over to Lindsey with evidence on the counter....

And then it was off to Oil Express to get an old change for the old Hyundai... as we observe Justin is reaching for the windshield washer fluid while DeWayne is in the dungeon draining my oil.

And now DeWayne becomes the photographer as Justin and I recreate the flag raising at Iwo Jima... entitled the "Oil pouring at Springdale", the only difference being no one was shooting at us, however there were tunnel-like enclosures all through the floor of the establishment. Actually, the only hardship the three of us were enduring was that we were missing the Bengals game, so I guess that comparison is completely moot....

Didn't buy anything while I was here but a trip around the northern Cincinnati suburbs is not complete without a stop at Half Priced Books. I really should have taken the picture from the other side of the building because the sign is missing the "K" and it states a Halloween appropriate "Half Priced Boo s"

Next stop... Sam's Club. Yeah, I know... like the Walton family really needs a bigger piece of the GNP of America, but Guido is out of cat food and if I don't go back with some then I run the risk of having my leg chewed off....
And this is the checkout line number I was in. Boring photo you say!!! Yup, because I was bored out of my skull. The light bulb next to the #3 was flashing because the checkout girl could not get a container of pinnapples to scan properly so I had to wait an extra ten minutes to check out while someone ran (or I think in this case crawled) to do a price check. They opened a line next to us but I was not paying attention and the people in line behind me jumped on it like pit bulls after a pork chop.

My last stop was Kohls at Cincinnati Mills (ex- Forest Fair Mall). This is actually a picture from the parking lot overlooking the construction at CFC (Cincinnati Financial Corp.) who appear to be doubling their facilities. Looks like the financing business is doing well....

And finally we are on the way home as we drive along John Gray Road to take us back to ye old home stead and to watch the second half of the Bengals games. (which they won 17-14 over the Carolina Panthers... Yeah)
Hope you are having a good day...
Your bro, Rich
Unlike the semi-permanent bake sale that you are subjected to on a daily basis. it is fall here and quite chilly at times. So to demonstate normal life for you I took my camera with me today as I ran errands. First we have to make sure that the camera is working.

Yup... appears to be working fine. Guido is as fat as ever.

So let's drive down my street and head out into that wild and wacky place that is the northern suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Our first stop is Walgreens, where I have to stop and get Melody a birthday card. To date I have always managed to remember her birthday, but I came close to blowing it this year as she reminded me about it on Thursday wondering why I had not brought up if we were going to dinner or not.... could have made for a long week.
I actually had a customer take a picture of me buying the card but for some reason it did not come out properly, so all you get is a view of the front of the store. Next stop... haircut!!!!

And here I am at Great Clips in Fairfield as Tara cuts my continually greying hair while we chat about the adventures of her three year old son and her and her husband's inability to say no to the little man.....

Next stop was at Flowerama, a local flower shop on the corner of Pleasant Ave. and Nilles. Lindsey and Hannah politely posed for a picture after I had scoured their establishment for the appropriate flora for Melody's birthday tomorrow.

And to give you the proof to meet your request that I buy some flowers for Melody this weelend, Hannah obliged by taking a pic of me handing my plastic over to Lindsey with evidence on the counter....

And then it was off to Oil Express to get an old change for the old Hyundai... as we observe Justin is reaching for the windshield washer fluid while DeWayne is in the dungeon draining my oil.

And now DeWayne becomes the photographer as Justin and I recreate the flag raising at Iwo Jima... entitled the "Oil pouring at Springdale", the only difference being no one was shooting at us, however there were tunnel-like enclosures all through the floor of the establishment. Actually, the only hardship the three of us were enduring was that we were missing the Bengals game, so I guess that comparison is completely moot....

Didn't buy anything while I was here but a trip around the northern Cincinnati suburbs is not complete without a stop at Half Priced Books. I really should have taken the picture from the other side of the building because the sign is missing the "K" and it states a Halloween appropriate "Half Priced Boo s"

Next stop... Sam's Club. Yeah, I know... like the Walton family really needs a bigger piece of the GNP of America, but Guido is out of cat food and if I don't go back with some then I run the risk of having my leg chewed off....

My last stop was Kohls at Cincinnati Mills (ex- Forest Fair Mall). This is actually a picture from the parking lot overlooking the construction at CFC (Cincinnati Financial Corp.) who appear to be doubling their facilities. Looks like the financing business is doing well....

And finally we are on the way home as we drive along John Gray Road to take us back to ye old home stead and to watch the second half of the Bengals games. (which they won 17-14 over the Carolina Panthers... Yeah)
Hope you are having a good day...
Your bro, Rich
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