Updated Classics: Milton's Paradise Gets Lost in Translation

Dear Bro,
Since your mind is turning to mush sitting around drinking Red Bull, watching DVD's over and over again, and generally being bored out of your skull, I took it upon myself to update your education with some classics. We will start with everyone's favorite piece of literary marvel, that wacky writer Johnny Milton and his witty Paradise Lost. As usual, I took a few liberties....
In the alley behind the "Pair of Dice" nightclub among the garbage bags lies several individuals dressed in black. One awakes and proceeds to attempt to wake another.
Beezer: "Louie, (slap on face) ... Louie... wake up..."
Louie: "*%#$ me to tears... what the )$%* happened"
Beezer: "Oh dude, it was major. We were so kicked out of the club. You pissed off the old man so bad that he sent Sonny and some gumbahs down from his office and had them totally kick your ass, dude!. We are so banned for life. The old man told that bouncer Mikey that if we try to come in again to waste us all."
Louie: "Oh, man... what is that smell."
Beezer: "Dude, you're lying in garbage."
Louie: "Oh...."
Later that night at a seedy hotel.
Louie: "We are so $*(#^%!"
Beezer: "Not so fast dude!, got some 411 from a bro at the Pair. He says the old man is gonna open a new club called E-den for his new clientèle. If one of us could get past the door we could total !*% ^ up his plans and ruin the joint."
Louie: "Dude, that wouldn't get us back into the Pair."
Beezer: "No way Louie, we are totally banned from there. But the old guy really grooves on his new clientèle so we could total screw them over as well. Make them spend all their time in a #)%$hole like this. "
Louie: "Dude, that is so awesome. I'm there!"
At the subway station.
Ticketman: Next!
Louie: Dude, I'm lost. I'm looking for that new club that just opened.
Ticketman: Louie? Hey man ... what's shakin'... it's me, Uriel.
Louie: Dude, I'm not Louie...
Ticketman: Oh, my bad. That new place the E-den. Is that the one?
Louie: Yeah.
Ticketman: Here it is on the map. That's be $5. NEXT!
Meanwhile, in the upstairs office at the Pair of Dice club.
The Old Man: That darn Louie, I just got word he is headed to the new joint.
Sonny: Poppa, let me go over there, straighten him out some.....
The Old Man: Forgetaboutit..... new clientelle gotta learn to take care of themselves anyway...
In the E-Den Club.
Louie: "Oh man, this place rocks!"
Louie spots Edie and Steve, the new clientelle, over by the main bar in front of the dance floor. He approaches Edie as Steve is talking to a bouncer some distance away.
Louie: " Hey flygirl, y0u are too fine! Show me your $%s."
Edie: "Eeww, man you are slimey."
The bouncer approaches.
Bouncer: Okay you... your outta here!
Louie: "Come on Gab, it's me.. Louie."
Bouncer: " The Old Man don't want you here, so git the ^*@$ out!"
Louie: "You always were an $(#@&, Gab."
Book 5,6,7, & 8: RAPPER GIVES THE 411
Later in the E-den Club.
Edie: "Steve, that creep wanted me to show him my $(%^s."
Steve: "Well gosh Edie, they are pretty nice (#%&!*."
Edie: "Thank you Stevie, that is very kind of you. But you know that the sign on the wall by the door says no flashing, or we get tossed. But I wonder who that guy was."
A tall black gentlemen wearing lots of jewelry comes over to Steve & Edie. He introduces himself as Raph, aka the rapper.
The Rapper: "Let me lay it on ya in a song."
Drum machine and DJ scratching records suddenly appear in the background.
The old man pulled me aside and sent me on a mission
Telling you the 411 is my commission
Let me start by making an admission
That dude is Louie and he's bad so you better just listen
Louie was the captain in the old man's posse
But his son came along and got in his face bossy
Louie had a cow about the new arrangement
Gather up his soldiers and shared his judgment
The old man disagreed and cut loose Sonny
caught Louie in his club and made him bloody
Now this club is new and for your pleasure
Have fun and create memories you can treasure
But avoid that Louie like he is on fire
Cause he's foul and he's evil and an out & out liar
And remember in here there is no flashin'
cause you do it and we see it and you both be dashin'
Book 9: LOUIE'S REVENGETelling you the 411 is my commission
Let me start by making an admission
That dude is Louie and he's bad so you better just listen
Louie was the captain in the old man's posse
But his son came along and got in his face bossy
Louie had a cow about the new arrangement
Gather up his soldiers and shared his judgment
The old man disagreed and cut loose Sonny
caught Louie in his club and made him bloody
Now this club is new and for your pleasure
Have fun and create memories you can treasure
But avoid that Louie like he is on fire
Cause he's foul and he's evil and an out & out liar
And remember in here there is no flashin'
cause you do it and we see it and you both be dashin'
Next night at the E-Den. Steve and Edie are hanging by the bar in their usual spot. Louie has returned dressed in a disguise as a lounge lizard.
Steve: "Hey Edie, I gotta take a leak. Back in a flash."
Louie approaches Edie.
Louie: "Why you look totally stunning young lady."
Edie: "Why thank you kind sir."
Louie: "I run a modeling agency, I think you would make a great model."
Edie: "Really!"
Louie: "You betcha, doll. I would just have to see either your (#%&%s or your #(%%^& before I can sign you up, but I think you have the looks and talent to make it big."
Edie: "I really should talk to Steve first...."
Louie: "Whatever, but I need a decision tonight, toots."
Steve comes back from the bathroom. Edie runs to him and starts telling him about the offer. They walk over to Louie.
Steve: "She says you can get her a modeling gig?"
Louie: "Yup, can get you signed on as well, you handsome stud you. All you gotta do is drop trow and show me your #(%&$.
Steve and Edie whisper to each other, appear to argue, then turn to Louie. Edie lifts her shirt top and Steve drops trow. Louie lets out a yell and leaves.
Steve: "Uh oh... he left... and no contract. Plus I think we are on CCTV. Edie, I think we screwed the pooch."
Edie starts to cry. Several bouncers approach.
Book 10: IT's A CF, MAN!
Meanwhile, back at the office over the Pair of Dice.
Old Man: "All they had to do was keep their clothes on. That's all I ask of my customers. No flesh... how frigging hard is that.
Sonny: "Kids today poppa, they got no respect."
Old Man: "Get over there and deal with it. No blood this time Sonny. I mean it!."
Sonny: "Okay poppa, whatever you say."
Old Man: "Take Mikey with ya."
Back at the E-Den, several bouncers have Edie and Steve in the upstairs office, glaring at them menacingly. They are both handcuffed to their chairs. Mikey and Sonny walk in.
Sonny: "My first though was to pop a cap in you both, but someone out there likes you, so you get off with a warning this time. The old man says you ain't welcome here no more, capisca? "
Edie: (still sobbing) "I'm sorry sir, please don't 86 us."
Mikey: "You shoulda though of that before you flashed your %*#_ missy!. But tell ya what, the old man opens any more clubs, we'll see about letting youse in...."
Steve and Edie stand outside of the E-Den.
Steve: "This sucks. I really liked that joint. Whatta we do now?"
Edie: "Let's go check into a fleabag motel and #(%^&!"
Steve: "Sounds good to me."
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