Vacation photos
Dear Bro,
Thanks for the photos you sent from your vacation in Iraq. Most people I know can't afford to spend a whole year on vacation but for some reason you and your wife seemed to have scraped together enough cash to pull it off. Very commendable on both your parts!
I enjoyed the photos you sent and, of course, aliens would have to invade me for me not to have any questions/comments regarding them.
Let's get started shall we?
Wow, when you said your lodging trailer was big I had no idea! I thought maybe you would have room for your bunk, a few personal things, maybe a TV and a chest of drawers, but I think you could fit the 3rd Armored Division in this one. Well done... I didn't know you were so well connected. Maybe you could get the rest of us cushy lobbying jobs when you get back from your vacation?
Now as rental cars go I think you got a raw deal on this one. Being as the MSRP on this baby is a couple hundred thousand you would think you would have a few modern conveniences, such as power windows or a blastin' stereo. Not to mention the paint job is something right out of "The Rat Patrol" . I would definitely march to the rental car company counter and complain bitterly.
I hope you were careful when you took this photo. As you were well aware, this was one of those famous Iraqi man-killing dogs that the Discovery Channel kept running hour long episodes about. As a matter of fact, I think after "Shark Week" the "Iraqi Man Killing Dog Week" is their next biggest ratings period. It obviously has a chain and stake in the ground hidden behind it's rear paw, otherwise there would have been nothing to prevent it from leaping at lightning speed, exposing it's big gnarly teeth, and ripping your throat out in one sweep movement.
I think it was wonderful of you to volunteer time during your year long vacation to guard inmates in this prison compound you are obviously standing inside. Do you have to spend a lot of time in the guard tower behind you or do you just walk that perimeter fence I see in the background? Was your trip sponsored by the NRA? Cause that is an awfully big gun you are holding in this picture.
It pleases me to see you have already gotten to go on Safari in the jungles of Iraq while on holiday, however I must confess to you that is the smallest bear I a have ever seen in my entire life. It must be as dangerous as the infamous Iraqi man-killings dogs because I did take note of all the firepower you have pointed at it at all times.

Amazing, I had no idea what delicacies they were serving for dinner over there. A nice pictorial sample menu I might add!!!! You must share recipes when you return home. They look like they would be heaven to the taste buds when fried....
Looks like you and your friends are going for a nice evening drive in the countryside. It is a very novel idea to have those water canons installed so you can have fun and games with tootling around the roads of Iraq. Again, not to pick on your rental car company, but doesn't that thing come in any other color than that????
Well, thanks for sharing your vacation photos. Hope the rest of your holiday goes smoothly.
Warm Regards,
Your bro.
Thanks for the photos you sent from your vacation in Iraq. Most people I know can't afford to spend a whole year on vacation but for some reason you and your wife seemed to have scraped together enough cash to pull it off. Very commendable on both your parts!
I enjoyed the photos you sent and, of course, aliens would have to invade me for me not to have any questions/comments regarding them.
Let's get started shall we?

Amazing, I had no idea what delicacies they were serving for dinner over there. A nice pictorial sample menu I might add!!!! You must share recipes when you return home. They look like they would be heaven to the taste buds when fried....

Well, thanks for sharing your vacation photos. Hope the rest of your holiday goes smoothly.
Warm Regards,
Your bro.
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