Quote from a famous moment in history

Dear Bro,
I was reading the other day and came across the explanation of the quote by Alexander Graham Bell to Mr. Watson regarding the very first statement made over a phone line. According to my source, Mr. Bell was going over some great Shakespearean quote to use as the first words to be spoken through the device when he knocked over some acid onto himself, to then blurt out the famous "Come here Mr. Watson, I want to see you. "
Quite believable as I always leave large volumes of flesh dissolving acid lying around within reach of my telephone. Why just the other day I was telling Melody how silly it was of me to leave the large beaker of hydrochloric acid next to the family room phone as she was wrapping gauze around the third degree burns the had consumed the majority of the skin on my right forearm after I had absent-mindedly reached for it without taking into account the inherent dangers of chemical burns that go along with modern telecommunications. What was even more maddening was that the call was from a telemarketer trying to sell telephony acid burn insurance policies.
And the thing about quoting Shakespeare. Most disappointing for someone who was originally born in Scotland. You would think he could take a day off and trot down to the local library to find a nice little ditty by the likes of oh... I don't know... maybe Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns, William Dunbar, or David Hume.. and in a pinch... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Robert Louis Stevenson. But William Shakespeare? It might be a good thing he was a klutz, because any self respecting Scotsman would have pummeled him with a walking stick at the soonest moment the opportunity presented itself.
Additionally, Thomas Watson later explained that quote about the spilled acid was in fact a story and that it may have happened on a different day. Interesting, then if Mr. Bell had not spilled acid on himself that day then why on earth would he use the phrase "Come here Mr. Watson, I want to see you" into the phone in the first place rather than a more Shakespearean "My trusted Watson, make your appearance thus, and sated shall be thee" which would have made the first statement more memorable and saved him a proper thrashing from his fellow Gaelic kinsman to boot.
Or it could be that he really did "want" Mr. Watson.... hhhmmmm..........
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