Dear Bro,
There is an old TV term called "jumping the shark". Actually, Wikipedia does a good job in defining it:
"Jumping the shark is a metaphor for the tipping point at which a TV series passes its peak or introduces plot twists which are inconsistent with what has preceded them. Once a show has jumped the shark, the viewer senses a noticeable decline in quality or feels the show has undergone too many changes to retain its original charm.[1] The term derives from an episode of Happy Days in which Fonzie jumped over a shark while on water skis".
Now personally, I have been waiting for the last couple of years for this whole "reality" TV business to jump the shark. I know the networks love it because they don't have to pay huge dollars to produce sitcoms or dramas with overpaid actors, however for the average viewer (aka - me) it has gone beyond irritating and into the "boycott television" phase. Watching staged reactions of annoying people put into idiotic predicaments ranks right up there with a good herbal enema or a 5 hour root canal on my personal scale of enjoyment.
I thought we were jumping the shark about two years ago when some lame network executive tried to boost the incredibly asinine concept of a young lady trying to figure out which of the aging balding men in a group was in fact her father. I think it was pulled before it started because I could not find any reference on the web for it, however it would have definitely been "great white hopping" material if it had made it onto the airwaves.
Now I think we are there...
CBS is proud to present on Wednesday nights in the upcoming season:
This is how they describe it:
40 children, 40 days, no adults—eager to prove they can build a better world for tomorrow in the new reality series KID NATION. Settling in Bonanza City, New Mexico, once a thriving mining town but now deserted, these kids, ages 8 to 15 and from all walks of life, will build their own new world, pioneer-style. They will confront grown-up issues while coping with the classic childhood emotions of homesickness, peer pressure and the urge to break every rule. Episodes end with a town meeting in which the kids award one child a gold star worth $20,000, all leading to the grand finale, with an unimaginable test, the biggest awards and a special surprise for every child.
All I can say in response to this obvious stroke of insanity:
"Shoot me now !!!"
It is bad enough that we have to embarrass and shame adults for fun and profits in this realm called "Reality", but nooooooooooo.... that isn't enough is it... they have a better idea... let's scar some kids for life in the never ending quest for TV ratings. Better yet, lets make sure they have very little guidance....
I mean, lets face it, most viewing content involving children running things usually is wholesome entertainment that is perfect for a night of view with the family. For example:
Lord of the Flies: yup, the one where the kids are trapped on an island and form a strong bond via a counch shell and a pair of eyeglasses ... probably a lot like this Kid Nation business is going to be like... oh wait... I forgot... this one doesn't turn out that good, does it....
Children of the Corn: This fun little ditty involves religion and children as a kid preacher named Isaac goes to a farm town and gets all the kids there to kill all the adults.... oh wait... that doesn't end well either....
Oh well... I think you get the picture....