Election Day... Oh happy day!!!

Dear Bro,
Since you informed me that you have already cast an absentee ballot for the election next week, you are obviously aware of the titanic political struggle currently being waged between our two party system for control of Congress. Since the races are close for control of the House and Senate both parties have overturned their piggy banks to supply greenbacks to their candidates, hoping that every additional dollar will be the one that buys...errrr... influences... errr... lets just say puts their contestant in a position to stick their head firmly in the public trough. (And as a govenment employee like yourself that is a position I am well acquainted with!!!)
My issue is not the unabashed dash for control of public dollars and policy, but the way it now plays out in our living rooms. Since Labor Day we have been subjected to a constant barrage of political ads that are all focused on a solitary theme:
My honorable adversary is the anti-Christ and has "666" tattooed on his/her person. Voting for them will lead to the apocalypse sooner rather than later.
This election season has been especially heinous, as I can honestly say that I do not recall seeing a single political advertisement flash across the screen on my idiot box that is not a torrid barrage of slanderous accusations against the opposition. As I type the congressman for Ohio District 1, Steve Chabot(R), is being accused of going to Washington to change culture there, and instead being changed by Washington. In return, I have seen ads for his democratic opponent John Cranley be raked over the coals because he saw the chairman of the safety committee of the Cincinnati City Council in April 2001 when it was invaded by disgruntled citizens after a local police officer had killed an unarmed teenager in a confrontation in an alley at 3:00 am. Right after this the infamous Cincinnati riots ensued so the Chabot campaign was trying to say "this guy caused the riots!!!".
The most fun is coming from the Ohio Senatorial race between incumbent republican Mike DeWine and democratic challenger Sherrod Brown. A few months ago DeWine had a good lead over Brown and was happy just running his "Sherrod Brown let us down" attack dog ads about how Mr. Brown was ineffective in the House of Representatives. But when the race tightened up it was dirt digging time...
"Times are tough in Ohio, real tough. But unemployment taxes provide a safety net. It's all some people have got. If someone didn't pay their unemployment taxes, it would be a scandal - especially an elected official running for public office. Especially if he didn't pay them for 13 years. Meet Congressman Sherrod Brown, who didn't pay his unemployment taxes for 13 years. The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this ad."
Kudos to Mike DeWine for backing up the dump truck and dropping a ton of mud rather than slinging it by the handful!!! However, it appears that Brown paid the taxes 4 months after receiving a notice from the state, but forgot to get the lien removed for 13 years. I think the ad should have run like this:
"Times are tough in Ohio, real tough. But unemployment taxes provide a safety net. It's all some people have got. If someone didn't pay their unemployment taxes, it would be a scandal- but not as big of a scandal as the reason why some people only have unemployment insurance to survive on in Ohio. If ineffective leadership in the Senate caused Ohio to lose tens of thousands of jobs, that would be a scandal. Meet Senator Mike DeWine, our ineffective Senator for 12 years. The Committee to prevent really stupid campaign ads is responsible for the content of this spoof."
The other part of these ads that are probably the most irritating is the "voice-overs" they use to make the ads. It can be male or female, but the tone is usually one that is a sickening combination of condescension and condemnation. It is not unlike being lectured to by a judge even though you have committed no crime, with a rising tone at the end to make their point that if "you vote for this idiot then the idiot is you!".
In addition, if never ceases to amaze me how they come up with the most un-complimentary video or photos of their opponents. A favorite trick is to use a shot of the other guy/gal in slow motion while slagging them, thus not only do you associate them with bad deeds but you make them look like they drool out both sides of their mouth as well. Either that or the election committes hire the photography staff of the National Enquirer to snap some pics, as they are experts at catching celebs with their finger almost in their nose and then airbrushing it the rest of the way in....
I have a solution to this problem. In future elections you can run as many attack ads as you like against the other candidate. The only difference is you have to do it in your own voice and you have to be the on screen at all times reading it from a script behind an news anchor desk that clearly sayes "Attack Ad" across the front. And when you are done, you have to say:
"Take that you slimy worm!"
Hope the mud is less deep there then it is here....
Your bro